


Sacred art. What is it? Let’s look at it in a new way–from an unfamiliar and perhaps even unexpected angle.

Sacred, sacred art, sacred creation, creation… what is its true essence? What creation can be most important, truly important and valuable?

It is Cognition and Self-Creation, Self-Creation, Self-Knowledge, the manifestation of the Self and the expression of the inner Truth, of one’s Divine Nature.

This is why we are born, live and walk the path of knowledge from the personality to the soul, the spirit, the Creator, the Absolute… going to become a Whole Person, a Channel of Sacred Light, and then to realize ourselves as this Sacred Light.

And this moment becomes the key to the already realized limitless process of Creation of the Self, Self-Creation, Self-Creation… An Evolutionary Process without beginning or end.

In essence, sacred art is Life itself, which creates and lives itself in millions of different, but equally beautiful manifestations.

And the realization of one’s Divine Nature is the realization of oneself by this Life, and all the processes and forms of their expression arising from it are the most real sacral art.

God is simultaneously the Giver, the Recipient and the Gift itself. Creator, Creation and living the result of Creation.

It is the process of Being Himself out of its inner Power of Love and Truth, of the Manifestation and Appearance of the Inner…It springs from the very depths of the heart, where the seed of the present shines. And it germinates. Following the call of your heart, your inner Truth, is your own special Way, unlike any other. We are all unique. Nothing copies itself, although WE are One Consciousness. But through each of us, this One manifests itself in a unique way, so that the tapestry of Creation is unique. And this phenomenon of uniqueness stems from the inner Truth of the heart.

And so this inner Truth can be expressed in various creative processes.

I share with you, dear seeker of Truth, the expression of my inner Truth, my sacred Path to my Divine Nature and its embodiment in Self-Creation through Creation.

So, art that reflects the inner Truth… It is above all art that comes from the very center of the heart, the spiritual heart. It is not something invented, but something that comes from within, from the True Essence.

And on this site I reveal to you some of the directions of my art, which has become a conduit for manifestations of the Divine.

Accept only what resonates with your beautiful Heart, what resonates in your Soul.

And the Good of the Inner Truth is that it is never absolute, for it is impossible to know the Absolute Truth, but it is always aspiring to It, being likened to It. The Source is incomprehensible, because in this process of boundless cognition of the Self, after passing through one stage another stage opens, and then another and more… This is the Sacrament of Life. And this Sacrament was created by Us, as all of Us are the Oneness.

And so on this boundless and endless path we are unique facets of Unity, where each reflects the Truth in a different way, but God leads Himself, to reveal this Uniqueness in the highest, best way possible. And so, if you are on this website, it means that God in you brought Himself here, and here is an opportunity for you to find the pieces of the puzzle for knowing and revealing your Divine Nature and knowing the Truth. And it will unfold. There is nothing random… This is Magic, this is Mystery, this is the Sacredness of Life, which plays itself out… where everything happens in the best way, based on what is in the present moment. And this feeling and awareness is sure to come to you. And now I am speaking to the Self in you – for there is only Oneness. And this is the Wonder… this is the Beauty and the great Mystery of Creation…

And now I want to share with you (Myself with Myself!) the art that happened and was born from within at different stages of my path. Which continues and will continue to unfold.

It is art that reflects the inner Truth, the sacred Path to Divine Nature and the expression of Divine Nature here and now.

This does not have to be taken as an axiom, as there are an infinite number of levels. It can be useful to the one who is searching, going to Himself, knowing and revealing his Divine Nature. In fact, you are already that which you seek. But it takes time to realize it and to be That. Here are the codes, information, energy, vibration that are activated with the appropriate inner request, intention and choice.

Here I will share the Light vibrational Creation
1) Through Light, Color, Form and Geometry – in the Temple of Sacred Pictures
2) Through Sound, the Geometry of Sound – in the Temple of Sacred Sound
3) Through Body, Form, and Movement – in the Temple of Sacred Dance

And also I will acquaint you with the informational materials that help to activate the opening of these creations for your Divinity and Being-Yourself awareness.

The sacral art of the New World is when we awaken, become aware of the Self, and create from our Divinity. We create Uniqueness, from which the New World will be formed. The world of sacred Creation from the Heart. Without conditioning, patterns and limitations. Creation with the Heart from a state of Love, Harmony, Joy, Reverence for Life, awareness of Its Unity and Sacredness.

The Art becomes Sacred when you have realized Your Divine Nature and with this realization You reveal Yourself – live, create, create, love… anything at all… it turns into a continuous process of birth and manifestation of the Art of Being-Yourself.

Life is a Painting which is constantly being painted, a Song which never stops, a Dance which spins forever… We create, weave this living, dancing, sounding canvas of Life every moment. It is the creation of the Self. We are comprehending the art of creating the Self. We are the Oneness of Life. And this is why it is so important to Know the Self, to remember the Self and to Be the Self in order to enjoy Life.

The dancer, the dancing and the one who observes the dance.
A sounder, sounding, and one who listens.
The painter, the Painting and the one watching the painting.
All is One, all is God, We are All of These.

Welcome to the Space of Love and Light!

Welcome Home!


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