
Temple of Sacred Dance


This is a Space of unfolding and discovering the Self through the spiritual bodily practices of movement and sacred dance of Life, through the states, sensations and feelings in your sacred bodily temple, the temple of the Holy Spirit. Accept with Love the opportunity to release your energy, to be filled with the energy of love and to bring your bodily conduit to a state of harmonious and free flowing life energy.

Here you will find practices that have been birthed by Life itself from the depths of the heart, by love, awareness, Presence and living Life. The advantage of these practices is that you don’t need to know how to dance, know and memorize any specific movements. No, it is Magic, Magic, Mystery that dances here…..

Touch this Mystery…

These creations are for those who choose spiritual growth and evolution, as they begin to take effect when you come in contact with them. Please familiarize yourself with the heartfelt reminder.

Sacred dance is a joyful inspiring and invigorating spiritual experience. It can allow one to connect to and experience one’s inner Divine Nature, to come to a deeper knowledge of the Self. It can help improve physical and emotional and mental health, as well as develop the ability to be in the present moment and present in one’s body. It is a form of meditation.

It allows you to discover and experience the Dance of Life within your body.

Sacred Dance is the dance of Spirit through the dance of Being through the unity of soul, spirit and body. It is the process of the Dance of Life.

It is the Prayer and Gratitude of Life, the Awe and Chanting of Life, the Blessing and Celebration of Life.

Sacred Dance is a dance that has deep spiritual significance and is used for the opportunity to know the Self more deeply, to reveal the Beingness of the Self. It is a meditation that allows one to experience the true meaning of meditation. Which is Life itself. Life itself is meditation. And it is through sacral Dance, through the feeling of the flow of Life that one can feel the true meaning of meditation of Life, the true meaning of Presence.

Sacred Dance can help in many areas, both in spiritual knowledge and physical sense, and most importantly, bringing into unity, attunement and harmony – the spiritual and the physical.

The movements of such a sacred process are a deep and profound practice of working with energy flow, the physical body, the subtle bodies and consciousness. It can combine in its structure movement, music, breath, energies, Light, color, sound, place, objects, symbols, sacred geometry, as well as intention, attention control, and more.

Thus, sacred dance is not a physical activity at all; it is first and foremost an immersive spiritual experience that allows one to connect to one’s Inner Essence and experience the harmony and unity of the inner and the “outside”. Can serve as a key to greater awareness and Presence.

Sacral Dance of Unity with Nature is the performance of dance in natural and very natural conditions, an environment of natural harmony, which is aimed at establishing harmonious contact between man and nature and the flow of Life. Harmony of nature helps to adjust the harmony inside, to lead to a state of unity with the world.

This dance is connected with the forces of nature, which are manifested in man himself, in animals, plants, stones… It is the union of the human heart with nature, with all its elements – earth, water, fire, air and ether. Such a dance is life in the moment, a connection between heaven and earth, a celebration of life in every cell. It is the best form of meditation in movement, to discover the Creator within ourselves and to activate our dormant faculties.

Nowadays, people are losing their naturalness in showing and expressing themselves because of the constant race for time. However, if we lose ourselves, there is a feeling of dissatisfaction, as if something is missing. It is necessary to pay attention to where the True Self is and return to the Self.

The practice can be individual, or it can be collective, increasing the feeling of unity, oneness with Nature, people, Planet, Universe.

It is a dance of Love… Love for Life, for Self, for one’s Divine Nature… A dance of Newness and of becoming more than one has felt before….

The practices that are presented in this Space are not reduced to some correct movements or techniques. On the contrary, it is the ability to express one’s emotions and moods with one’s whole being, to express the Self, Being Itself. It is the ability to see what has accumulated and to free oneself from all unnecessary things, allowing the naturalness, the realness to manifest. Sacred dance is a creative expression, an art that comes from the holy symphony of Who we are at the core of our being, it is the passionate desire of Life to be released, to flow, to move, to transcend, to become More….

And before dance becomes an expression of sacred Nature, it will first be largely intuitive.

Intuitive dancing is a great way to uplift yourself, to work through your body and energy field. The main tasks of this type of dance, to free yourself from the accumulated unnecessary in the body, the release of stuck emotions, thoughts, programs, patterns and concepts:

To work through every cell of the body.
To direct energy to those places where there were once stagnations, to release discomfort and fill with vitality.
Remove bodily blocks and clamps that prevent free movement and expression of your emotions.
Harmonize your energy field to make it more balanced and able to withstand stress and negative influences.
To listen to the body and allow it to dance what it truly wants without suppressing its wants and needs.
To feel your body more and make friends with it, to learn to listen to it and respect its limits and possibilities.

It is a tool for healing, harmonization, renewal and transformation, finding inner wholeness. It is spontaneity, impromptu, improvisation, ecstasy, pleasure.

All this happens through movement, dance, meditation and unconditional love for yourself and your body.

That’s why you don’t need to be a professional dancer to dance beautifully and mesmerizingly. Beauty is in the naturalness, in the freedom… Life is beautiful in its own naturalness… you need to relax, trust and surrender….

and Life will dance a sacred dance. It is a dance with Itself.

The dance happens when the dancer is lost), when there is no ego, no personality that dances. There is no one to manipulate, to control, the body moves as if spontaneously. You have lost yourself, you have lost yourself, you are not there. But the dance is happening, the dance goes on. So who is dancing?) By losing yourself, you are gaining the Self…..

Welcome home!







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