This is a Space of healing, purification, transformation, transfiguration, transformation, activation, unfoldment and knowing of the Self through sound, sound vibration. The purpose of this Space is to provide an opportunity to reach higher levels of love, freedom, peace and healing, activating elevated states of consciousness. Accept with Love the harmonic waves of sound and light from the depths of the Heart, manifested as light-sound Activations. Breath of Light, breath of Sound, breath of Love….
This is the music flowing from the Heart.
These creations are for those who choose spiritual growth and evolution, as they begin to take effect when you come in contact with them. Please familiarize yourself with the heartfelt reminder.
Sacral sound is a sound that has special spiritual qualities and can bring a person to a state of deep immersion inside himself. It is connected with the higher spheres of being and has the ability to elevate and transform consciousness. It is an informational form that is transmitted through vibrations.
Open your hearts. Let us sound with Light, let us sound with Love. Let us create more harmony and peace within ourselves. And the more these states manifest inside, the brighter, more beautiful and more harmonious will shine the life around us. We are a boundless orchestra of Divine Love, the Unity of Life. Let us sound, shine from within with the most beautiful colors, light-overflows and sounds, transforming our lives, radiating waves of harmony and love. From heart to heart the gift of these harmonious consonances accompanied by the most beautiful dawns and sunsets is passed on. These are video-captured codes of Cosmic Light, energies of Divine Love flowing to the Planet through the Sun. They will attune you to the global Processes taking place on the Planet and in the Cosmos. May the codes of Light, in harmony with the sound codes, bring more love, peace, healing into your hearts and blossom with beautiful fruits on our Planet.
The advantage of these practices is that you don’t need to know anything, to perform any special procedures. You just need to listen to your heart as it responds. Listen to your body, feel how your cells react… And when there is resonance, when there is attraction, when you feel something real, sincere, true and attractive that calls you from the depths of your heart, when there is a deep recognition – then the attunement happens and Magic, Transfiguration, Mystery… and revealing the unique sound of Life is possible.