
Temple of Sacred Paintings


This is a Space of loving, healing, transforming, revealing and activating Images that have been created from a depth of living, awareness and love.

It is a canvas of creation, depicted by the Heart on canvas.

These creations are for those who choose spiritual growth and evolution, as they begin to take effect when you come into contact with them. Please familiarize yourself with the heart reminder.

Paintings, Images in them are a reflection of spiritual search, discoveries and insights. Searching for the Highest Source and discovering it in oneself and the surrounding world. Each Picture is an aspiration to reveal and show a part of the Highest. Higher feelings, Higher Beings and Higher realities seem to descend into our world and live in these works. And through the Paintings the feeling viewer can touch these invisible, but close to the heart Higher Worlds. These are Images of Light. The Way to Light, the Way of Light, the Way to the True Self, the Way of comprehending oneself with Light. The Light, which each of us is in the depths of our Heart, and thanks to which we are connected and on the Higher Plan we manifest Unity. The brighter is our inner Light, the brighter and more manifested is our connection with each other, Nature, Planet, Cosmos. We live for the Light, which is the very essence of Life, which is the Highest Love.

The Higher Worlds are revealed from within as Oneness with all life, the Planet and the Cosmos.

When you look at the Images in these Pictures – you can feel a deep penetration into the soul. They are filled with energy, which gives you the opportunity to feel a connection with your higher Self. These paintings are not just created by the hands of the artist, they were born in the stream from Above, in the depth of Being.

Each Painting contains a lot of symbolism and meanings that help to penetrate into the meaning of existence, into the disclosure of Being by Itself. They open new horizons before us and help us to understand our way in this life.

The Temple of Sacred Pictures is a place where we can see ourselves and our life from another side. Where we can find a mirror for ourselves and see our path. It is a place where creativity and spirituality meet in unity.

By purchasing a unique Picture of the artist, you acquire not just a picture or a thing – you become the owner of the sublime spiritual energy, which flows through the channel of the artist at the moment of creation and which is filled with the artist himself. You get a living object, saturated with creative magic and unique energy. With sincere consonance, the interaction of energies gives birth to creation and can contribute to the awakening or activation of the energies of revelation, awareness, insight, knowledge of the Self. Each work is filled with magical moments, beautiful states of heart, soul and feelings that radiate from the piece.

Thus, when you buy a unique creation, you experience a real exchange of energies, where you give the universal energy of money, and receive in return the energy consonant with your soul. The interaction between you and the artist creates a special harmony that expands your consciousness, opens new facets of your spirituality, awakens to the realization of your Divine Nature.

Love yourself and surround yourself only with living objects that vibrate in one resonance with your soul and respond with a deep consonance in your heart. Paintings that make your soul sing. Buying such things, you rise to a new level of consciousness, enrich and color your life.

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