
Crystalline Paintings of Light


Crystalline Pictures of Light are New Age Pictures, an instrument of Spirit. They are powerful Creations and before interacting with them, one must carefully familiarize oneself with the rules of safety.

They are Paintings for those who choose evolution, who have consciously embarked on this Path. They transmit crystalline energies, attune to the crystalline consciousness as activators and tunings. They cleanse the subconscious mind of disharmonious patterns of the past, attune the consciousness with the original divine crystalline patterns of the human being, the original crystalline matrix, which allows to get in contact with the Superconsciousness more quickly. Crystalline Paintings of Light most fully absorb and transmit the vibrations, energy and information held by the author-creator when creating a work.

Why does this happen? What makes such a synergetic effect possible?

Crystalline Pictures of Light – Creations created with the use of crystalline elements – natural natural crystals, glass crystals, glass elements. Also these Pictures are created in the state of consciousness carrying crystalline frequencies, consciousness of Love and Unity.

Paintings filled with natural crystals, tuned with crystals of consciousness, many times more powerful can store, accumulate and transmit energy and information, structure consciousness, space, serve as tuning tuners of consciousness to the Higher levels, to the crystalline consciousness of Unity, to the realization of the Self. It is a tool of transformation and transfiguration, of raising vibrational frequency.

Paintings contain crystals and crystalline elements and structures, which means that what is applicable to crystals is also applicable to Crystalline Paintings of Light containing crystals.

Crystals are powerful conductors, capable of accumulating and amplifying information many times. They are powerful translators, amplifiers, generators of energy and information. They themselves initially contain multidimensional information. And filled with energy and information during the creation of Creation, they are able to amplify it many times due to their crystalline, fractal, repetitive structure. The ordered molecular structure of crystals, one could say, is similar to an antenna array. Due to the total resonance of small antennas, a powerful antenna that receives and transmits the signal is obtained. The effect of coordinated action of the repeated structures is enormous, the vibration is transmitted in an amplified form. Coming into resonance with the human energy system, they help to solve spiritual and, as a consequence, physical issues and tasks of a person. Each crystal has its own property and special vibration. Accordingly, Paintings created with the use of crystal elements, reflecting elements, focusing and radiating elements carry many times more transforming, transforming energy and information. They are capable of accumulating and transmitting Light, information and attuning the consciousness to the original crystalline settings. In addition to crystals, the use of images of sacred geometry in the Pictures makes them magical matrices of Light. They powerfully structure, harmonize and purify the surrounding space. They accumulate and amplify light.

The Codes of Light that are now coming to the Planet carry powerful evolutionary programs. Crystalline light, crystal light is the light of the Higher dimensions. For a long time the Planet was cut off from the fuller spectrum of Light, crystalline Light, but now the Sun is broadcasting crystalline Light. The Cosmic Light is coming to the Planet in an uncut form and the opportunity has come for humanity to transform bodies and reveal crystalline consciousness in the body. Human consciousness was originally designed to be Crystalline.

And now those on the Planet who are choosing to further their evolutionary development have incarnated with the mission to transform the physical carbon body into a body with a silicon, crystalline base, a transition into a light crystalline body. The planet ascends with the transition into higher levels, including all living beings and civilizations that reside on the planet in all its shells and dimensions.

Such an experience of Ascension of the planet and all living beings happens for the first time, it is unique and the only one so far. And now, in accordance with the evolutionary processes, the crystallization of the human body and consciousness is taking place in order to bring life to a new evolutionary level, at which the activation of the hidden abilities of our crystalline solar DNA strands will begin to take place.

And so the Crystalline Pictures of Light carry this knowledge, carry these activations. Carry the crystalline energies and serve the unfoldment and realization of the evolutionary plan. These are the New Age Paintings that serve the unfolding of the human being as the God-Man. Therefore, a high level of awareness is needed to contact these Creations.

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